What would you like to know about cloth nappies?

Beginners guide to cloth nappies
Considering cloth but feeling overwhelmed and unsure where to start? Still weighing up between reusables and disposables? Confused by all the terminology? Let us walk you through and help set you and your cute little fluffy bums up for success!

Cloth nappy reviews
Australia 2022
Wondering which are the best cloth nappies for your baby? It's here - your in-depth, independent and informative reviews to the best cloth nappy brands in Australia!

Advice and resources
Already on the cloth journey but needing some help with wash routines, getting a good fit or preventing leaks? Looking for extra info on using reusable nappies in childcare or on multiple children? Click here for further information, resources and troubleshooting.
Helping you and your family successfully navigate your cloth journey
Cloth nappy reviews, how-to's and FAQs - it's all right here!
Cloth Nappy Info is a hub of independent, well-researched information about buying and using cloth nappies. Here you will find answers to common questions and concerns families often have when weighing up the pros and cons of cloth nappies for their child, such as:
- is it really worth using cloth nappies?
- Are reusable nappies really cheaper than disposables?
- How do I wash them?
- How do I deal with poo?!
There are dozens of articles to peruse, but if you’d like a simple overview of what you’ll need to get set up our handy beginners guides will have you up and running in no time. Also check out our glossary if you’re feeling confused by all the new acronyms and terminology.

Once you’re ready to jump in, check out our reviews of all the best reusable cloth nappies in Australia to help guide you in buying your cloth nappy stash.
And if you run into any problems or have additional questions once you have those adorable booties all decked out in fabulous prints then we are here to walk you through with our repository of Advice and Resources.
Congratulations on choosing the eco-friendly option and welcome to your cloth nappy journey.

Help to make cloth simple
Because we've been there ourselves!
I vividly remember during my pregnancy with my first son when my curiosity in reusable cloth nappies was sparked. An eco-friendly, cost-effective option with cute patterns – I was definitely keen to explore!!
But as an overly enthusiastic first-time mum in the depths of researching and buying baby items and balking at mounting costs (geek confession – I actually put together my own pram comparison spreadsheet!) I soon started feeling even more overwhelmed.
Cloth nappies explained
There were a number of retailer websites and Facebook review pages but many left me with more questions than answers. So many acronyms and terms that I didn’t understand – all-in-one (AIO) vs all-in-two (AI2), pocket nappies, boosting – the list went on!
My partner and I enthusiastically attended our local baby expo to see a number of cloth nappy retailers and it was helpful to see live demonstrations of different types and brands. However I still left feeling confused by all the choice and nervous about investing money up-front when I wasn’t sure if we’d be able to stick to the cloth nappy lifestyle.
Never fear – Cloth Nappy Info is here to help! If my geeky spreadsheets and overzealous research can help another mum my efforts will not have been in vain!
Check out our Reviews of the Best Cloth Nappies Australia 2022
Latest Articles

A simple guide to flats and prefolds
Are you curious about flats and prefold cloth nappies? This old-school (and highly economical) cloth nappy option may just be right for you! Here’s a simple guide to getting started with flats and prefolds.

How to wash cloth nappies in 5 easy steps
We'll have your cloth nappy wash routine down pat in no time - no buckets of soaking nappies required!

Your guide to buying secondhand nappies
A great way to set up your stash without breaking the bank! Secondhand can be a great way to get started in cloth but there are a few things to be mindful of - see our important tips!

What are the advantages of cloth nappies?
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Are cloth nappies better for the environment?
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We dive into the environmental impact of reusable versus disposable nappies.

Are cloth nappies cheaper than disposables?
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